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Showing posts from March, 2009


So this is where I'm going..

So its been a while..

You join me kind of slumped on a sofa in the telly room. I'm about to indulge my new found TV obsession: Grand Designs. Its quite nice to escape into beautiful new designs when you live somewhere that is quiet asthetically challenging. So what can I say: new things that have been happening. I went to Leeds again to look round my new house and to do a bit of planning. All looking good so far: though there is a challenge to not get caught into the material stuff of it all! What else: I'm deep in the midst of a long essay on 1 Corinthians.. all about the body and how they viewed it.. its all quite fun. I'm looking forward to the Easter Break- good chance to catch up on sleep and stuff. Then once rested I'm off to ECG to do some prayer room stuff and the like. And thats about it- apart from being a bit injured/ ill.. am hoping to get body fixed next week so.. More soon!